To My Daughter, On Her 16th Birthday


My last blog post was titled “Why Sane People Talk To Themselves, Part 1“, subtly hinting that a “Part 2” hid just around the corner and would leap out at the next opportune moment. Obviously,

The Poisonous Stimulant: love vs. fear


This post will be short because today’s principle is simple, but life-changing. Here it is: Love trumps fear every time. I’ve heard it said that we are born with only two fears: a fear of

Born This Way (or what Lady Gaga got half right)


Let me begin with a short confession: the secrets you are about to read expose me for what I really am. I am a self-centered and indulgent little man with very narrow desires and I

Make 2014 The Best Year Yet: Practice Doxology


We live in The Therapeutic Age, an era marked by a fixation on social, emotional, and psychic well-adjustment, often in that order. Self-improvement is the special-of-the-day. We worship a therapeutic God, reformed into an image

The Great Rail Switch: “But”


The smallest word packs the biggest punch; in this case, it’s an absolute game changer. You and I could use an imaginative shift, a new way of seeing things, and reclaiming “But” is an easy

How To Make Your Kid A Millionaire


If you want to be a millionaire, you have to be good at anticipating (or so rumor has it). Millionaires aren’t caught by surprise because they’ve planned ahead. They’ve prepared for any contingency. The same

Strategies and Techniques Aren’t Enough


Paul Tripp provides some vision training with this great quote and I think it will help not just with parenting, but with all our relationships: “People struggling with life in a fallen world often want