This Is Me, Finally


I have set my weapons down, The long range guns and My favorite dagger Useful in hand-to-hand combat. I have stripped off my armor, Even the chainmail. And now I’m simply down to my many

Finding Joy In The Whale’s Belly


Grace and Joy, in their fullest doses, are found in the belly of the whale. The full strength of our need and the full strength of God’s power is best tasted where self-sufficiency is rendered useless

Each Decision Is A Hammered Nail


Each moment is a becoming: complaining or rejoicing, fearing or leaping. Each decision is a hammered nail in the eternal house of my soul.     Picture from |Date=December 9, 2005 |Author=Marcos André

Eeyore is Dead: a new year’s resolution


Eeyore’s “woe is me” attitude is cute only on television. In real life, he’s hard to live with. In real life, his morose brooding is more contagious than Influenza and a hundred times more dangerous.

He MAKES Me Lie Down.


My friend lost power to her attached garage the other day. The house had electricity, but everything powered through the garage was dead. The garage door wouldn’t open. The sprinklers didn’t work. I traced the

Why Multi-Tasking Is Not A Virtue


Maggie Jackson, in her book Distraction wrote, “Amid the glittering promise of our new technologies and the wondrous potential of our scientific gains, we are nurturing a culture of social diffusion, intellectual fragmentation, sensory detachment.

Why Reading Matters


“Deprive children of stories and you leave them unscripted, anxious stutterers in their actions as in their words.” -Alasdair MacIntyre A peer of mine, bemoaning the inept vacuum we were unfortunate enough to share, once