Sojourner Songs Kindle Version Available!


It’s time to celebrate again!

You can carry Sojourner Songs with you wherever you go, on your phone or electronic reader. The devotional poems prompted Carolyn Weber, author of Surprised by Oxford and Holy is the Day, to write this:

“I have read and re-read these beautiful poems throughout my summer, and their timing comes much like Ben Palpant’s first beautiful prose book, A Small Cup of Light – providing a tall, cool drink in a desert. Each poem should be savoured and none disappoint. It is a book for seasons: summer reading at its best, and yet a volume to curl up with by the fire when the winds turn. I have turned to it much like a devotional, and find the lines singing in my head, the images fluttering still, long after the covers are closed. I highly recommend the collection as a personal treat during quiet time, and as a gift for someone you know who could use a poetic small cup of light – and can’t we all.”

And Tim Challies wrote, “Most of the poetry I enjoy is the kind you find in anthologies and there have been only a few occasions where I have found and enjoyed contemporary work. I recently received a copy of Ben Palpant’s new collection Sojourner Songs and found it thoroughly enjoyable and, at times, deeply moving.”

Need some spiritual renewal? Need it handy? Get your copy GET YOUR COPY HERE and please tell your friends. They need refreshment too!

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