Sojourner Songs Book Launch: Day 2


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Today is our second day to celebrate the upcoming release of Sojourner Songs!

I hope yesterday’s trailer got you excited to get your own copy and spread the news. Today’s gift is the audio version of “Bright Fire,” the first poem of the book and the poem from which I chose the book’s title. It is a meditation on the great salvation of our God. Enjoy.


“Bright Fire” from Sojourner Songs: Poems
Read by the incomparable Gary Leonard

I sat on stone
and waited.
I wept into wind

Indefinite gloom loomed
until I saw him, my liberator,
running, singing.
His song lifted my soul high,
soaring with wide wing,
stirred by Hope.

Sing to me, O my troubadour.
Let your songs echo
in the halls of my loneliness,
even my shame,
so that I may sing back
and, perhaps, learn by heart.

Graced is the man who locks eyes with you,
who does not dodge the reckoning.
He shall walk on water,
though it swells.
He will not loiter with the proud,
nor relish the shim-sham dance
of the damned.

Your works, O Lord, astonish me!
You, composer, conductor, star.
You, a kaleidoscope of love.
You are my horizon and my here.
You are the moon to the tides of my heart.

You gather glory,
a bright fire,
and light up this dreary day-to-day.
You invade my valley of dry bones
singing a song of healing,
great God!

This is the glad refrain of my dreams;
this, the theme of my sojourner songs.


If your media player doesn’t load, you can CLICK HERE to find the audio version.

Ready to buy your copy? CLICK HERE

Want to watch the trailers? CLICK HERE

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