Bright Fire


Sing to me, O my troubadour. 
Let your songs echo in the halls
Of my loneliness, even my shame,
So that I may sing them back and, 
Perhaps, learn them by heart. 
The world will behold my song and stand
Because this heart is full 
And these eyes long to see your face.
Graced is the man who locks eyes with you.
He shall walk on water, though it swells.
He will not loiter with the proud,
Nor relish the shim-sham dance of the damned.
Your works, O Lord, are astonishing!
You are composer, conductor, star. 
You are a kaleidoscope of love.
You are my horizon and my here.
You are the moon to the tides of my heart.
You gather glory, a bright fire,
And light up this dreary day to day.
You come singing a song of healing
In my valley of dry bones, great God!
This is the glad refrain of my dreams;
This, the theme of my sojourner songs.

“Bright Fire” by Ben Palpant

Inspired by Psalm 40

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