Eeyore’s “woe is me” attitude is cute only on television. In real life, he’s hard to live with. In real life, his morose brooding is more contagious than Influenza and a hundred times more dangerous.
Don’t be a moper.
Don’t be a fake, either.
Follow God into your dark days and listen for what he has to say to you. Then, start singing that message to the world and let your face shine in the darkness…not with a fake “grin and bear it” attitude, but with the joy of The Lord which is your strength.
This resolution, like all others that are hard, will require the Holy Spirit: I hereby resolve to live authentically, purposefully, and humbly…joyful.
The Eeyore in me is dead. Anyone want to join me?
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Yes and Amen! I want to be impervious to despair