Please Take My 2014 Reader Survey


I want my blog posts to serve you better, but that means I need to know more about YOU. Would you please take a couple of minutes to fill out my 2014 Reader Survey? By filling it out, you will help me make my content even more interesting and relevant to your needs. Many of you have already taken it, so thanks! If you haven’t had a chance yet, then here’s the link: My 2014 Survey Reader.

If it helps, pretend we’re seated across from each other at coffee and I’m asking you these ten questions. Of course, this survey will take just a couple of minutes, so I suppose that’s a rather quick cup of coffee. That’s no reason to bolt down your warm drink. When you’re done with the survey, come back to the website and explore some of my blog posts. I’ve linked those below for your convenience.

You are important to me and your feedback is invaluable. Again, the survey has only ten easy questions and the results are completely anonymous. I won’t be able to tell who gave what feedback. Thanks so much for sharing about yourself. I can’t wait to get to know you and serve you better.

Here are some of my popular blog posts:

Failure Is Not The Final Word

Breeched And Waiting For Birth

Unbind The Feet

He Makes Me Lie Down

The Big Question Nobody Is Asking: What Will You Do With Your Suffering?