Can Your Life Change? Yes!


Ben’s book graciously, beautifully, humbly urges us to cling to God and to grow in Him.

–Stuart, fan of A Small Cup of Light

Launch Post 10

I started this book launch with a simple question: “Can your life change?”

If the Amazon book reviews and social network buzz are any indication, this book is proving to many people that the resounding answer is “Yes! Your life can change.” God changed my life and I think he’ll change yours as well if you read A Small Cup of Light. I wrote it in an effort to be a good steward of my suffering and now I give my story you. Thank you, thank you for all the enthusiasm over the past nine days! Thanks for celebrating with me and spreading the word. I couldn’t share my story with the world without you.

I just realized that maybe the real party actually starts tomorrow when you get your free e-version. Well, is there such a thing as too much celebrating? Not in this case. We launch tomorrow!

To help you with that energy and to propel us into tomorrow’s launch, I’ve got a sweet gift waiting for you and a warning!

1. Gift: The Official Book Trailer!

2. Warning: the free downloads I’ve offered during this launch will disappear on August 30th…tomorrow. The launch page you’ve been enjoying will be replaced by the book’s official web page. So get the downloads while you can!

Click here to watch the official book trailer for A Small Cup of Light. 

I give it to you with all my heart!

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