Buckle up, friends!
The party’s about to begin right here at benpalpant.com. Invite your friends. Shoot, invite complete strangers if you want. There’s plenty for everyone. The fun begins tomorrow.
by Ben Palpant
I'm a poet and story-teller learning to live under the open sky of God's grace. I am the author of A Small Cup of Light, Sojourner Songs, and Honey from the Lion's Mouth. This is my workshop. Welcome.
Christina Mest says
Received your book as a gift today. Already finished. Couldn’t put it down. It resonated with my soul and thoughts. Suffering is so scary and painful that it is very hard to embrace. I hope that I can become better at this and trust that God has designed every part of our lives for a specific purpose. Thank you for being so transparent and writing out loud what some Christians would be ashamed to share. You have really given me a lot on which to ponder. More importantly, you have given me a lot about which to pray. Thanks, Chris Mest