Give us, O God, a living faith in a living God. Encounter us vibrantly, vigorously, valiantly, and face to face.
Even in our varied sufferings, in our griefs and infirmities, give us a living faith in a living God.
As we look for work, wait for weddings, and anticipate the arrival of our newborns, give us a living faith in a living God.
As we learn to invite ourselves, our children, friends, and strangers into the rich life of faith in Jesus Christ, give us, O God, a living faith in a living God.
As we boldly brandish our slings and stones against all false gods, give us a living faith in a living God.
Leap like a bandit into our dreary, drifting, day to day and rob us of our self-satisfaction and our childish fears.
Storm our petty princedoms and unravel our tiresome grooves.
Send your Spirit to breath afresh on us.
Jump us on this, our dull Damascus road, and awaken us from our dispassionate slumber.
A lifeless religion is the enemy to true faith, so we ask for a living faith in a living God. Flaunt your stuff and drop a miracle in our laps.
We love you dearly and we’re waiting patiently.
painting by Caravaggio, Conversion on the way to Damascus
One Reply to “A New Year’s Prayer”
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I just read this prayer aloud to your dad. We both said, “WOW”…it fits with our “epiphany” theme with the twenty-somethings tonight. And it challenges us where we are at…
Some of your best lines are “best” because they call me/us on in our faith-lives.
Roger Mohrlang used that painting for the cover of his book on the Apostle Paul. I’m going to send your prayer to him. He is currently in Nigeria working on the Wycliffe translation of the Bible which has been his life work in addition to teaching. He emailed us asking for prayer for his current journey and undertaking.